Tanya Levin

Tanya Levin (born 1971) is a social worker.

In 2007 Levin published People in Glass Houses: An Insider's Story of a Life in and out of Hillsong, an exposé of the Hillsong Church.[1][2][3][4] Levin is a former Hillsong Church member, who was asked to refrain from attending any future Hillsong church services or events after claims she caused disruption at the Hillsong Colour Your World Women's Conference.[5]


  1. ^ Jennifer Sexton (2006-04-29). "The High Cost of Faith". The Weekend Australian (News Limited). 
  2. ^ Andrew Denton interview on Enough Rope, ABC Television, aired 2007-07-30 (transcript)
  3. ^ Susan Wyndham (2007-04-13). "Singing flat at Hillsong". Sydney Morning Herald, Fairfax. http://blogs.smh.com.au/entertainment/archives/undercover/012705.html. Retrieved 2007-07-30. 
  4. ^ David Marr (2007-08-04). "Hillsong - the church with no answers". Sydney Morning Herald. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2007/08/03/1185648145760.html. Retrieved 2007-08-04. 
  5. ^ "Book of revelations". The Bulletin. 2007-03-07. 

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